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No. 391733
Well, it's gone now, at least.
Now, then. >Yesterday >Subcommander invites me over. >Spend an hour and a half in the back yard, taking turns practising with this bow he bought shortly before that hernia. >Head inside when it gets dark, take turns playing battlefield until the server crashes, fucking EA, etc. >Switch to computer, watch him play a bit of Sleeping Dogs, before finally taking turns looking up videos on Youtube. >Hey, you remember that poster you got me for my birthday? >Look behind me, there it is. Yeah? >You want it? What? Why, what's wrong with it. >Nothing. I've just knocked it over a few times in my sleep, and I don't want glass in my bed or face, you know? So, do you want it? Y...yeah, kind of. But that was a gift, man. You don't take a gift back unless it's busted. >Well, either you take it, or my brother does. And we both know what'll happen there. >Remember what happened to those Wavebirds you gave me for Christmas? >Shudder >Long story short, the poster hangs beside my TV.
I feel like crap taking back a gift like that, but considering what could have happened to it, I guess I could understand? I'm not sure, man. I'm still trying to get the idea of never returning/disposing of gifts thing out of habit.