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File 139171337691.jpg?nsfw - (149.13KB , 519x693 , _.jpg?nsfw )
389194 No. 389194
Realistic statue of man in his underwear at Wellesley College sparks controversy.
>"This highly lifelike sculpture has, within just a few hours of its outdoor installation, become a source of apprehension, fear, and triggering thoughts regarding sexual assault for many members of our campus community
>If the statue was at any other college it would already have been decorated and dressed in any number of different "outfits" with pictures of it all over the web. At wellesley they sign a petition.
>Disturbing to learn the young women at Wellesley are working hard at developing their commitment to censorship.
>to the Art Department at Wellesley, I am so sorry for you.
Basically an art department makes a statue that's supposed to engender feelings of worry and empathy in people as they see a sleepwalking man in danger of freezing to death. It seems that the empathy thing only works on actual humans not tumblr whales, because instead of feeling an instinct to help a bunch of sociopaths declare that the statue is raping them with its closed eyes. Also apparently the word "trigger" is common vernacular for anything that slightly bothers you now, not a specific medical term for people suffering from PTSD.

Tumblr: The University: The Game
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>> No. 391115
This is why Janeway was the worst Captain.
>> No. 391116

Red's been on the inside too long. She's lost her marbles.
>> No. 391117
File 139697524164.jpg - (18.24KB , 500x341 , 102206_ss_stateIQmap.jpg )
>lends her gravitas
She's narrating it, not endorsing it. She's an actress out of a job for fucks sake.

>About one in four Americans surveyed in a recent poll were unaware the Earth orbited the sun.
These would be the people under 90 IQ, it's not due to misinformation, it's due to basic stupidity.

I'm more "appalled" at the sensationalism in that article than anything else.

Yeah because there are no dumb people in California and the northeast. Oh wait, california is the third DUMBEST state in the union with an average IQ of 95.5, the northeast is barely average, and the states that shine the most is the midwest. MONTANA STRONGGGGGGG BITCHH!
And why don't you look up where NASA is headquartered dumbshit, protip: it's not in the state of vapid cunts that make garbage television and rot the national brain.
>> No. 391119

Well, when you say you feel morally opposed to a human trait with an at-least-partial genetic basis, such a statement tends to require questioning.
>> No. 391120
File 139698564079.jpg - (319.81KB , 854x1278 , gayeatthepoopoo.jpg )
But I'm pro gay marriage.

In fact I believe in mandatory arranged gay marriage.

All gays should be paired off according to appearance, likes and dislikes, then married.

A shock collar should be installed which gives them 1.5 million volts if they approach a non gay person, and 500k volts if they approach a gay person who isn't their assigned spouse.

Don't you see?

The only reason gays exist is because they are forced to suppress their desires, marry a girl, and have kids.

By forcing everyone with the gay gene cluster to pair off and marry, further children from their line will be prevented and the gay gene cluster will be eliminated in one generation.

I mean we could do it the liberal way and just have them choose to pair off (that will take at least a few dozen generations though, my way is quicker).

That's why I'm pro gay marriage and why you should be pro gay marriage too.
>> No. 391121
I'm not from either of those areas but IQ tests don't mean shit. There's literally no way to accurately measure intelligence, not even taking into account there are different types of intelligence. Don't put stock in them and especially don't put stock in averages of IQ tests.
>> No. 391122

It has nothing to do with IQ; it's like you don't even know what IQ is (probably because you weren't properly educated). Knowledge of facts as opposed to fallacies is purely a mark of education, and the fact remains that educators in the South CAN and DO alter science in textbooks to line up with Creationist theories and Intelligent Design.

By the way, NASA is headquartered where it is partially because it's in the center of the country, and mostly because Rice University donated the land for the development. Why don't YOU look up where the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is located? What about Edwards Air Force Base, above which the sound barrier was first breached? What about Lockheed Martin, developers of the fastest non-rocket-powered production aircraft in existence? If you want to completely debunk this entire argument, realize that Los Alamos was located in the middle of a giant freaking desert, as is Groom Lake (or "Area-51", as you guys out in the sticks of Montana might know it). Let's not forget that all the technology that went into inventing the computer you're typing on was pioneered in Silicon Valley.


Not sure if troll or just stupid.

However, I do approve of all the gays getting paired off into marriages in accordance to compatibility. That'll fix my forever alone problem.
>> No. 391127
>bullshit regional bigotry
please stop, this is a multinational board
>> No. 391128
IQ tests are notoriously biased, such that they have been objected to both on the basis of being racially discriminatory AND economically discriminatory. The fact that the South is the poorest region of the country and the fact that it has such a high incidence of low average IQs only supports the already alleged fact that IQ tests favor those who have access to resources available to the affluent.

And while you're correct that IQ tests aren't about "acquired knowledge," they ARE in large part dependent on acquired skills, skills which are going to be fostered more in people who either have good early childhood education, access to better mental stimuli in youth, and access to healthier nutrition in early years. The fact that these IQ tests show these childrens' scores as low does not make a meaningful predictor of a child's ability to learn when put in an environment conducive to it, and it especially doesn't measure forms of intelligence which can be even more important than analytical intelligence in a person's ability to thrive, such as social intelligence.
>> No. 391180
File 139723269699.jpg?nsfw - (87.16KB , 326x750 , tumblr_n3qqgvF9zc1qc0163o7_500.jpg?nsfw )
“Why photograph war? Is it possible to put an end to a form of human behavior, which has existed throughout history by the means of photography? The proportions of that notion seem ridiculously out of balance yet that very idea has motivated me. For me, the strength of photography lies in its ability to evoke a sense of humanity, if war is an attempt to negate humanity, then photography can be perceived as the opposite of war; and if its used well it can be a powerful ingredient in the antidote to war.

In a way, if an individual assumes the risk of placing himself in the middle of a war in order to communicate to the rest of the world what is happening, he’s trying to negotiate for peace. Perhaps that’s the reason for those in charge of perpetuating war do not like to have photographers around. In the field where your experience is extremely immediate, what you see is not an image on a page in a magazine ten thousand miles away with an advertisement for Rolex watches on the next page. What you see is unmitigated pain, injustice, and misery. It’s occurred to me that if everyone could be there just once, to see for themselves what white phosphorous does to the face of a child, or what unspeakable pain is caused by the impact of a single bullet, or how a jagged piece of shrapnel can rip someone’s leg off. If everyone could be there to see for themselves the fear and the grief just one time, then they would understand that nothing is worth letting things get to the point where that happens to even one person, let alone thousands.

But everyone cannot be there, and that is why photographers go there, to show them, to reach out and grab them, and make them stop what they are doing and pay attention to what is going on. To create pictures powerful enough to overcome the deluding effects of the mass media and shake people out of their indifference. To protest, and by the strength of that protest, to make others protest.”

— James Nachtwey, "War Photographer" (2001)

Jesus Christ his photographs are heart breaking, I've been sitting here going through them with tears pouring down my face for hours.
>> No. 391201
File 139741657840.jpg - (276.89KB , 1280x1280 , maybe id move.jpg )
Oh I don't know maybe I'd


>> No. 391203
>living at rocket range
>basically just means they are upset that there's an arab 300m from them

totally classy
>> No. 391205
How many Palestineans are living within the range of the Israeli military choppers? 100%?
>> No. 391210
b-but Anon, don't you know that disagreeing with Israel is automatically Anti-Semitism?!
>> No. 391213
As someone who thinks that Israel's treatment of Palestinians is disgusting, refrain from making posts like these since they don't actually contribute to the discourse. I've found (anecdotally, mind you) very few people actually think like that.
>> No. 391214

I dunno, man, watch any US politician say anything even remotely critical of Israel and watch AIPAC go to work on them. There may not be many people who will come right out and say that anybody critical of Israel is an antisemite, but there sure are a lot of people who will come out of the woodwork at the first sign of even tepid criticism and start talking about antisemitism.

Seriously though that whole Israel/Palestine situation is straight up fucked. There's not really any good solution for it, especially while an imperialist lunatic like Netanyahu is in charge of Israel.
>> No. 391215
I was talking more about your average person and not politicians, but fair enough.

That situation doesn't get a whole lot of attention in that way. Or many other ways for that matter.
>> No. 391227
>you will never be a dastardly supervillain that shuffles around all the holy stuff in Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem overnight and just lets everyone try and figure it out themselves.
>> No. 391232
So, according to the article, they've booked and charged a 39-year-old woman for six counts of murder (article says they don't know why it's not 7), and that these were her babies. BUT, the article also says that she had three living daughters, a teen and two young adults.

Why no possibility of those daughters being the mothers? I know NPR doesn't lend itself to idle speculation like CNN or Fox News, but it seems rather strange that, according to the article, absolutely no one, including the three daughters, had any idea their mother was ever pregnant. It seems more likely that it was three daughters trying to hide their pregnancies from their mother (or perhaps the whole family was just taking turns popping out babies and murdering them, idk.) If a daughter stopped appearing in public for a few months at a time, especially if it was at different times or something.
>> No. 391234
Bundy Ranch - What You're Not Being Toldyoutube thumb

tl;dr Harry Reid (senate majority leader) kicked off people from land in Nevada using a government agency, and through his son sold it to a Chinese solar panel company.
>> No. 391235
...which is problematic, but no where near as problematic as the fact that people like you are apologists for armed insurrectionists who threaten to start goddamned civil wars over his right to ignore federal law. Federal laws which Reid followed, even if it was an underhanded way of following it.

tl;dr: Bundy is still a criminal and an anarchist challenging the government to armed conflict.
>> No. 391252
File 13975876076.jpg - (13.17KB , 280x280 , lawful_stupid.jpg )
>hurr just follow the law
Except you twit, laws serve people, not the other way around. If a law is bad we remove it, and the first step to removing it is forming an organized opposition to it. If Bundy is supported by his community, the elected sheriff of his community and the governor of his state, it's time to shut up and change the law.
It's only come to "civil war" levels because the lawmakers refuse to change laws that the society doesn't like and never agreed to.

You're the kind of jackass who would be on the side of slavers in the civil war, or the cops beating up flappers in the 20s and african americans in the 50s, just because of some inane "follow the law" bullshit. There's lawful neutral, lawful evil, lawful good... and then there's you - lawful stupid.
>> No. 391259
This guy is not a freedom fighter. He wants to disobey property laws for his own personal gain. He's a thief who has been built up as a hero by Fox News because they've been able to build a narrative where he's standing up to Obama. If he were Muslim they'd be breaking out the pitchforks and torches.
>> No. 391260
>fox news
lol sure, this has nothing to do with political corruption.

I doubt Obama even knows of the event btw, and wasn't in power when it started. Kinda wondering why you threw him in there.
>> No. 391262
Don't forget the Nazis! Come on, if you're not going to call people who disagree with you Nazis, what's the point of even getting on the internet?
>> No. 391264
>If a law is bad we remove it
Which part of the law "The government is allowed to own land" is it that you find bad, exactly?
>> No. 391270
The part where they can take it from you?
>> No. 391271

That land was never Bundy's to take from him. It was always federal land. Thirty years ago, they let ranchers graze their animals on it, but that doesn't mean it was his land or that he has an inherent right to it.
>> No. 391272
>It was always federal land.
I read that as "fedora land". I spend way too much time around shitposters.
>> No. 391274
Yeah, exactly. The only property of Bundy's the government was ever talking of seizing were his cattle, and that was only because 1.) he was continuing to graze them on federal land 2.) in flagrant defiance of court orders and 3.) owes the government over $3 million in fines for his decades-long abuse of the laws.
>> No. 391276

The best part is that he could have been legally grazing his herd there by paying a fee. He refused, and on the occasion when he did decide to pay, he tried sending the check to his municipal government. Who of course returned the check because he didn't owe them money and they can't take payment on the federal government's behalf.

Bundy is so unambiguously in the wrong here that it can be used as a litmus test for brain-dead conservatism.
>> No. 391278
>Why Photograph War?

Being an aspie, I tend to develop periodic obsessions with random things. It was even more developed when I was a child. When I was about nine, for reasons I do not remember, I became obsessed with nuclear weaponry. The power, the technology, the destruction, the transitory beauty and otherwordly menace of a mushroom cloud. The human element never entered my mind beyond mere statistics, medical information, cold numbers. For about two or three years, I obsessed over everything I could get my hands on regarding the subject. In short order, I knew and could quote with accuracy the entire history of nukes: the theories, the development, the use in war, the extensive testing in land, sea, underground, and even in space. I was in love with nukes. I worshipped nukes. I lived and breathed for nukes. My single greatest regret was that they'd stopped testing them so that I'd never get to see a real mushroom cloud. In the middle of the night, when other boys my age were sneaking out of their room to the TV to watch scrambled porn on premium channels, I was sneaking out to watch Trinity and Beyond, the atomic bomb documentary. It was never enough.

Then, one day, I was looking for more material in the library. I was in the adult section, of course, because there isn't any information about nuclear weaponry in the kid's section, and anyway at 12 I was already reading at a college level. I picked up a book with photographs in it regarding the destruction of Hiroshima, and flipped through. I got my high easily, there were before/after aerial photos, pictures of various destroyed structures, a few pin-ups of the fireball and mushroom cloud — the usual fare. But then I stopped at one page. It was a picture of a boy around the same age I was, clothes gone, burnt head-to-toe into charcoal, contorted in a grimace of agony like the figures from Pompeii, arms raised to his face showing how he died a split second after seeing a blinding flash of light. The caption was something very close to: "The charred remains of a young Hiroshima boy, 200 feet from the central blast."

I was struck dumb. I didn't know what to think. It wasn't as if I was a stupid kid; I couldn't claim ignorance of the human cost of nuclear weaponry, and I certainly cared on some level. For some reason, it just never clicked with me until I saw that photo. I thought: just what the FUCK am I doing? He was just some kid like me, maybe liked to read as I did, and then one day he was minding his own business when boom, now he's dead, a human-shaped lump of coal the only remains. Probably nobody left to bury him or mourn. God Almighty.

After that moment, I didn't like nukes much anymore. The influence of a simple photograph can be something immense, something more powerful than even a nuclear bomb.
>> No. 391281
Oh and while we're talking about the Bundy Ranch thing:


Anyone parroting the 'Harry Reid and Chinese solar panels company!' line is a credulous moron.


This isn't exactly what you're talking about but I think it says a lot about the importance of art in general:

>> No. 391286
>Which part of the law "The government is allowed to own land" is it that you find bad, exactly?
Is this a serious question? The federal government can manage land, they don't own it in the sense that Crown Land is owned by the Royal family, that way leads to armed rebellion.

The Taylor Grazing act (what BLM is invoking to make him pay fees) was about disputes between farmers and maintain grazelands for ranchers. In effect so that two ranchers weren't using the same land. Bundy being the only rancher there means the BLM can't use this act to chang the terms to prohibit or limit his access to the land. As for the Endangered species act, the desert tortoise population was not impacted by the cattle. Bundy was in fact improving the quality of the land for the tortoise as domestic cow herds replace massive bison herds the land was adapted to.

The BLM doesn't have a leg to stand on, "the court said it" is not a valid reason especially in cases where citizens and government clash on policy. Courts can and do frequently change their rulings as new information comes up, and governments change their policies in response to public pressure. In fact a case exactly like Bundys got this court ruling instead:
>"government officials ... entered into a literal, intentional conspiracy to deprive the Hages not only of their permits but also of their vested water rights. This behavior shocks the conscience of the Court and provides a sufficient basis for a finding of irreparable harm to support the injunction described at the end of this Order."

The people are well within their rights to get armed and stage a stern protest of the way BLM has been behaving, even if the major media outlets refuse to air footage of several thousand protesters.

>Currently there are no grazing permits on the Bunkerville allotment, and any livestock on that land are there illegally. Bundy owns land previously considered base property and paid AUM animal unit permit fees prior to 1993 for grazing on the nearby Bunkerville Allotment area. Bundy asserts that the terms of land use changes in 1993 reduced his allowed cattle by 90%, capping it to about 150 animals.
Paying fees was not the cause of this conflict, the million plus number people keep toting around is not from any fees but from trespass fines. Ordering bundy to leave the allotment, fining him $200 per day per head of cattle until he left, forcing Bundy into the desert, reducing the number of cattle he can have on any public land to a tenth of what he was allowed, beating up, threatening and intimidating his family.... these are the root causes. In fact I didn't gave a damn about Bundy before the BLM started using underhanded methods to force him off. If you want a parallel to other criminals imagine if the government beat up Bernie Madoffs pregnant daughter in law to get him to confess.
>> No. 391291
>The BLM doesn't have a leg to stand on, "the court said it" is not a valid reason

Uh. "The court said it" is the very definition of a leg to stand on, legally. The court is the arbiter of the law.
>> No. 391295
Finish the sentence at least...
>> No. 391302

Why should I? Again, arbitrating clashes between government and citizens is one of the court's functions.

Like you can always appeal the decision or try again later when the court's changed up a bit and see if they're willing to reconsider. A court ruling isn't absolute and forever. But when you've been litigating a case for twenty years and in that time you can't find a single judge willing to give your interpretation of the law the time of day? Your interpretation might be bullshit.
>> No. 391304
>underhanded methods
What underhanded methods? I have heard nothing about underhanded methods. Nothing you've said and none of the sources you have linked to have indicated anything underhanded on the government's part. Unless, like Bundy, you consider the very existence of the government and the fact that it can make and enforce laws to be underhanded.
>> No. 391305
>I have heard nothing about underhanded methods.
then why are you posting?
>> No. 391307
You seem to have misunderstood what I am saying: I'm not saying I haven't heard about the Bundy case. I am saying you and your side have presented nothing that is even slightly underhanded.
>> No. 391318
File 139782627823.jpg - (37.43KB , 440x330 , freespeechzone.jpg )
>expressing opinion outside a free speech zone
>> No. 391323
Oh, I see, so you're a schizophrenic hobo who wandered into the library to post on the internet. I can see now where trying to have a conversation with you was futile.
>> No. 391325
I think that's the most off topic insult I've ever received. Still scratching my head.
>> No. 391326
Ah, I'm sorry, based on your post I thought we were playing the non-sequitur game.
>> No. 391340
File 13979371872.jpg - (48.95KB , 560x292 , free speech zone2.jpg )
In other news, BLM tries to redraw the borders of Texas so they can steal more land.
>The BLM removed armed federal agents from Bunkeville and near the Bundy ranch, but another possible “land grab” or range war appears to be brewing in Texas. Fellow rancher Tommy Henderson has been fighting the BLM for 30 years, and appears to be losing yet another round in the battle.
>Tommy Henderson is locked in a property rights fight with the BLM. Although many students are taught in geography class that the border between Texas and Oklahoma is the Red River, the issue is far more complicated than that, according to the Bureau of Land Management. The BLM used an ongoing debate over the border to nab 140 acres of land Henderson’s failed lawsuit against the agency three decades ago.
>BLM is now using the Tommy Henderson lawsuit ruling as a precedent to seize even more of his land along a 116-mile stretch of the river which the agency claims never belonged to Texas in the first place. Henderson holds a deed to the 90,000 acres, but such a legal document did not prevent him from losing the 140-acre parcel he had labored over and paid property taxes on for years.
Yeah it's the damn militias fault for starting the next civil war, angelic public servants at BLM weren't provoking anything...

>Officials from nine Western states say it's time they take control of federal lands within their borders.
>The lawmakers and county commissioners met at Utah's Capitol on Friday to discuss their joint goal of wresting oil-, timber- and mineral-rich lands away from the feds.

That was on topic, the BLM practically invented free speech zones. It's standard to have such zones in their parks, you will be arrested if you try protesting elsewhere.
>> No. 391346
>That was on topic, the BLM practically invented free speech zones. It's standard to have such zones in their parks, you will be arrested if you try protesting elsewhere.
The topic here is, or at least WAS, the Bundy case. Not "Is the BLM the boogeyman?"
>> No. 391349
Actually the topic was directly about government overreach, that's why this thing is being discussed everywhere.

If you seriously thought this was specifically about a rancher I got bad news for you son: We're sending a swat team to your place to shoot your dog because you spoke outside of a 2nd amendment zone.
>> No. 391350
>shoot your dog
Your mileage may vary depending on competence of cop.
>> No. 391353
That dog is the hero America needs. I bet the cop was a fatty, too.
>> No. 391356
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